Did You Know?
Thanks to Brian Uzzi for sending me a copy of this thought provoking video, Did You Know? Interestingly, the success of the Did You Know? video itself is a product of the rapidly expanding global communication that the video describes. According to the creator’s history of the presentation, the video was originally a PowerPoint deck made for a high school faculty meeting in 2006. Soon thereafter the video “went viral” and by June 2007 had been viewed by over 5 million people online. The most recent version (4.0) has been viewed over 2 million times on YouTube.
Some of the interesting stats from the video:
- There are over a trillion web pages and 65,000 iPhone apps.
- The average American teen sends 2,272 text messages a month.
- Dell claims to have earned $3 million from Twitter posts since 2007.
- In February 2008, Barack Obama raised $55 million dollars without attending a single campaign fundraiser.
Sources for the stats are available here.